Educating Our Members Builds A Stronger Local
We believe the more our members know about their rights, their responsibilities, and how their union functions, the stronger our Local will be; now and for years to come.
Please follow the link below to find information on the various courses, conferences and seminars being held by the PSAC in the Atlantic region during the coming months.
PSAC Atlantic Education Program
In order to support our members in their education about their union; our Local will reimburse travel costs not covered by PSAC as well as costs for childcare and/or lost wages when necessary.
To register for union education activities, please download the Travel Expense Estimate / Claim Form below. Once completed please submit the form to the Education Committee Chair for approval and course registration.
PSAC Online Learning Program
If you're interested in topics like pensions, retirement, health and safety, workforce adjustment and others related to being a union member and you don't have time to attend a course, PSAC's online learning may be just the ticket.
Travel for Educational Reasons
If you will be traveling for educational reasons, please complete the Travel Expense Estimate / Claim Form below and submit it to the Local executive for approval. Please be sure to indicated if you will be seeking a travel advance for this education event.
Travel Expense Estimate / Claim Form
Upon returning from your approved education event, please complete the Travel Expense Estimate / Claim Form below and submit it to the Local Treasurer for reimbursement.
Travel Expense Estimate / Claim Form
Please note, if you are claiming lost wages; please submit the pay stub showing the leave without pay along with your expense claim.
Joint Learning Program
The Joint Learning Program (JLP) is a partnership between the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat...
The objectives of the JLP are to improve labor relations and increase the understanding of the roles of the union and management in the workplace. The JLP achieves its objectives by providing workshops in areas of mutual interest for which the employer does not already have a legal obligation to provide training and where both union and management have specific roles and responsibilities.
We strongly encourage our members to attend JLP sessions when they are available. To find more information about the JLP and the courses offered please visit the link below.
The JLP Homepage