Local President - Leslie Campbell Local Vice President - STB - Vacant Local Vice President - CFIA - Derek Mailman Local Secretary - Rebecca Rizzato Local Treasurer - Mindy Vinqvist-Tymchuk Local Health & Safety Rep - Vacant Local Human Rights Rep - Tammy Sampson Chief Shop Steward - Michael Jordan
Shop Stewards
Chief Shop Steward - Michael Jordan
AAFC Kentville
Est. 150 - Vacant Kentville - Derek Mailman
Executive Council
Executive Shop Stewards Committee Chairs
For more information on representation and terms of office for the Executive, Stewards, and Council members; please review the most current version of our Local By-Laws.
Local 80003
Agriculture Union Local 80003 | 32 Main Street, Kentville, Nova Scotia, B4N 1J5, Canada